Prima e seconda variante di “Guerra e pace”: i personaggi e le loro storie alternative di cui non avete la minima idea, due lezioni - Napoli, 27-28 aprile 2015

Due Lezioni nell’ambito del corso di Letteratura Russa. Due tipi di traduzione letteraria: trasformazione e adattamento. Le lezioni sono aperte a tutti gli studenti della laurea triennale e magistrale… >>

Il lavoro editoriale alle soglie del terzo millennio: tra nuovi approcci e tecniche tradizionali, conferenza, Forlì - 29/04/15

Mercoledì 29 aprile 2015 alle ore 15.00 presso l’Aula Magna di via Oberdan 2, Forlì, Elena Kostioukovitch terrà una conferenza… >>

Elena Kostioukovitch presented her book SEVEN NIGHTS in Forlì - 29 April 2015

Book presentation at Mondadori Bookstore. Margherita De Michiel also took part. >>

UMBERTO ECO presented Seven Nights @ laFeltrinelli, Milan - 20 March 2015

On March 20th 2015 Umberto Eco presented Elena Kostioukovitch’s novel Sette Notti at La Feltrinelli, Milan… >>

Festival Incroci di Civiltà - Venice, 26 March 2015

As part of the festival, Elena Kostioukovitch will moderate a conversation with Daniela Rizzi and Ludmila Ulitskaya… >>

Public lectures in Israel, 8-12 February, 2015

On 8-12 February 2015, Elena Kostioukovitch held two public lectures in Israel: one at the Russian Library in Jerusalem and one at the Russian stand of the International Book Fair… >>

Elena Kostioukovitch gives a public reading at the Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University, November 15, 2014

The title of the conference is: “Translation of Short Texts and Long Texts: how contrasting is the process and how distant are the results”. >>

Elena Kostioukovitch gives a public lecture at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, November 11, 2014

“A literary agent’s working instruments in the XXI century: (Promoting new Russian literature, but not the Brave New Russian World)” – public lecture at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Tokyo Gaikokugo Daigaku) >>

EK gives a public lecture at The University of Tokyo, November 10, 2014

2Adaptation – Transformation – Translation – Systematization: How the Translation of Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose Led me to the Study of the History of Italian Cuisine.” >>

Masterclass by Elena Kostioukovich at Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Оctober 13-17, 2014

On Оctober 13-17, Elena Kostioukovich will be conducting a series of 3-hour master-classes “Useful Tools for Literary Translation Craft in XXI Century” at the Ca’ Foscari University (Venice, Italy)… >>

III International Congress of Literary Translators, Moscow , September 4 -7, 2014

Elena Kostioukovitch will be participating to the III International Congress of Literary Translators organized by The Institute for Literary Translation (Moscow). Official streamer for this year Congress is “Translation as a tool for cultural diplomacy”… >>

Turin Epicurean Capital: an International Food Lit Event, September 2, 2014

From September 2nd to 4th, Elena Kostioukovitch will be participating to the Turin Epicurean Capital, an International Food Lit Event where authors, bloggers and food professionals will talk about the universal meaning of food and… >>

La Milanesiana festival, June 27, 2014

Borders, freedom, fortune – Elena Kostioukovitch participated at “La Milanesiana” festival together with Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Svetlana Alexievich and… >>

La verità del Falso, International Conference in Rome, May 8-9, 2014

Elena Kostioukovitch participated to an International Conference: “La verità del Falso”, Rome, May 8-9, Tor Vergata, Rome State University… >>

Mosca, Non fiction presenta il romanzo della traduttrice di Eco Elena Kostjukovitch,, 24/11/2013

Il 30 novembre alla fiera del libro Non fiction si terrà la presentazione del romanzo Zwinger di Elena Kostjukovitch, famosa traduttrice di Umberto Eco, agente letterario e autrice… >>

Elena Kostioukovitch takes part in an international conference on Yurij Lotman's works in Venice on November 26-28, 2013

JURIJ LOTMAN E LE ARTI – Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia. Auditorium Santa Margherita… >>

Elena Kostioukovitch presents Italian Edition of Churrambad by Andrei Volos on November 5, 2013, at 18.30

Presentation of Andrei Volos’s Churrambad. Libreria Jaca Book – via Frua 11, 20146 Milano – 02.48561520… >>

Incroci di civiltà. A Dialogue with Ludmila Ulitskaya - 16/06/2013

Interview with Ludmila Ulitskaya (Russian, Italian subs) – Incroci di civilta. >>

Meeting with the writer Elena Kostioukovich in Riga -, 04/03/2013

На прошлой неделе в Риге гостила известный переводчик, писатель и литературный агент Елена Костюкович. >>

Polaris organizes a meeting with Elena Kostioukovitch on Saturday March 2 -, 26/02/2013

On Saturday, March 2 at 18:30 in the bookstore cafe “Polaris” Domina Shopping in a meeting with a translator, teacher and literary critic Helen Kostyukovich…. >>

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