2008 - La misteriosa fiamma della regina Loana

Translation of Umberto Eco, ‘La misteriosa fiamma della regina Loana’: Умберто Еко, ‘Таинственное Пламя Царицы Лоаны’, Symposium, Sankt-Peterburg, 2008 >>

2008 The Russian edition of Umberto Eco's "The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana" in Elena Kostioukovitch's translation presented in Russia

Symposium Publishers and Elena Kostioukovitch Literary Agency are proud to announce that the Russian edition of Umberto Eco’s last novel “The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana”… >>

2003 - Baudolino

Translation of Umberto Eco, ‘Baudolino’: Умберто Эко, ‘Баудолино’, Symposium, Sankt-Peterburg, 2003 >>

2001 - Come si fa una tesi di laurea

Translation of Umberto Eco, ‘Come si fa una tesi di laurea’: Умберто Эко, ‘Как написать дипломную работу’, Symposium, Sankt-Peterburg, 2001 >>

1999 - L'isola del giorno prima

Translation of Umberto Eco, ‘L’isola del giorno prima’: Умберто Эко, ‘Остров накануне’, Symposium, Sankt-Peterburg, 1999 >>

1998 - Cinque scritti morali

Translation of Umberto Eco, ‘Cinque scritti morali’: Умберто Эко, ‘Пять эссе на темы этики’, Symposium, Sankt-Peteburg, 1998 >>

1997 - Il Pendolo di Foucault

Translation of Umberto Eco, ‘Il Pendolo di Foucault’: Умберто Эко, ‘Маятник Фуко’, Symposium, Sankt-Peterburg, 1997 >>

1989 - Postille al 'Nome della rosa'

Translation of Umberto Eco, ‘Postille al “Nome della Rosa”‘: Умберто Эко, ‘Заметки на полях “Имени розы”‘, Symposium, Sankt-Peterburg, 1989 >>

1988 - Il Nome della Rosa

Translation of Umberto Eco, ‘Il nome della rosa’: Умберто Эко, ‘Имя Розы’, “Inostrannaja literatura” Nr. 8-10, 1988 >>