26 August 2024 - "Inside the mind of Pavel Durov. Mr Telegram arrested in Paris" by Daniele Erler on "Il Domani"

On 26 August 2024, the founder of the popular messaging app Telegram, Pavel Durov, was arrested in Paris. In an interview with Daniele Erler, Elena Kostioukivitch shares her opinion about the controversial businessman and the benefits and drawbacks of social media. >>

21 February 2024 - "For the freedom of Kara Murza"

On 21 February 2024, Elena Kostioukovitch translated an article about the brutal imprisonment of the Russian critic and politcal dissident Vladimir Kara Murza. The article is originally written by Tatiana Yankelevich. >>

17 February 2024 - "Censorship and public burning of books for Moscow's enemies"

On 17 February 2024, Elena Kostioukovitch wrote an article for La Stampa about the extreme forms of censorship writers have to face in present-day Russia. >>

20 OCTOBER 2023, h. 21.00, Trezzo sull'Adda (MI), Libreria "Il Gabbiano" - Elena Kostioukovitch presented "Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin"

On 20 October 2023 at 21.00, Elena Kostioukovitch presented the new edition of her book “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin” at “Il Gabbiano” bookshop in Trezzo sull’Adda, near Milan. >>

29 June 2023 - "An invasion based on murky theories" on Avvenire

On 29 June 2023, Elena Kostioukovitch’s interview with Gianni Santamaria on the latest developments of the Russia-Ukraine war was published on L’Avvenire. >>

27 June 2023 - Interview with Elena Kostioukovitch - SKY TG24

Elena Kostioukovitch on SKY TG24’s special edition about the war in Ukraine. >>

15 June 2023 - Interview with Elena Kostioukovitch - INCONTRI - Bergamo TV

Elena Kostioukovitch presented her book “Inside the Mind of Vladimir Putin” live at Bergamo TV. >>

3 JULY 2023, h. 21.30, Reggio Calabria, Circolo Tennis Rocco Polimeni - Elena Kostioukovitch presents "Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin"

On 3 July 2023 at 21:30, Elena Kostioukovitch will present the new edition of her book “Inside the Mind of Vladimir Putin” at Circolo Tennis Rocco Polimeni in Reggio Calabria, as part of the Rhegium Julii Award literary cafés. >>

1 JULY 2023, h. 18.00, Bergamo, Monastero di Astino - Elena Kostioukovitch in conversation with Carlo Dignola

On 1 July 2023, Elena Kostioukovitch will be a guest of Bergamo Festival at Monastero di Astino, presenting her new book “Inside the Mind of Vladimir Putin” with Carlo Dignola. >>

14 APRIL 2023, h. 18.00, Cava de' Tirreni (SA) - Elena Kostioukovitch presents her book at the Com&TE literary prize

On 14 April 2023, Elena Kostioukovitch will present her book “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin” in Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno), as part of the “Com&TE” literary prize. The event will take place at 18.00 at the Holiday Inn Hotel Cava de’ Tirreni. >>

24 February 2023 - "The great exile flight from the dictatorship of lies" on La Stampa

24 February 2022, a date stuck into collective memory – Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Exactly 1 year after, Elena Kostioukovitch reflects on “La Stampa” on the devastating consequences of it on the Russian population and on the millions of people forced to flee their country. >>

27 February 2023 - "Eight years without Boris Nemtsov" on Huffington Post Italia

On 27 February 2023, Elena Kostioukovitch wrote an insightful article about Boris Nemtsov, published by Huffington Post Italy. >>

23 February 2023 - "A Tsar stuck into his twisted vision of history" on Avvenire

On 23 February 2023, Elena Kostioukovitch was interviewed by Marta Ottaviani for Avvenire. >>

12 February 2023 - "Putin? A madman prisoner of the past" on Famiglia Cristiana

On 12 February 2023, Elena Kostioukovitch was featured in a short interview on Famiglia Cristiana by Roberto Carnero. >>

7 February 2023 - "The Russian Universe's cauldron" on Gente e Territorio

On 7 February 2023, Elena Kostioukovitch’s book was featured in an article by Titti Marrone on “Gente e Territorio”. >>

5 February 2023 - "Putin, a megalomaniac who believes in fairy tales" on Notizie Geopolitche

On 5 February 2023, Elena Kostioukovitch featured in an insightful interview by Gianluca Vivacqua on Notizie Geopolitiche. >>

20 January 2023 - Interview on "La Librellula"

On 20 January 2023, ahead of Elena Kostioukovitch’s book presentation in Naples (10 February), Gigi Agnano interviewed her for La Librellula. Click to read! >>

10 FEBRUARY 2023, h. 18.00, Naples - Elena Kostioukovitch presented her book at IoCiSto bookshop

On 10 February 2023 at 18:00, Elena Kostioukovitch presented her new book “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin” (La Nave di Teseo) at IoCiSto with Titti Marrone and Gigi Gravagnuolo. >>

2 FEBRUARY 2023, h. 21.00, Chiavari (GE) - Elena Kostioukovitch presented her book with Paolo Bonini

On 2 February 2023 at 21:00, Elena Kostioukovitch presented her new book “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin” (La Nave di Teseo) at La Zafra bookshop in Chiavari (GE). >>

10 DECEMBER 2022 - Elena Kostioukovitch at "FESTA DELLA CONOSCENZA - FestivaLieve"

On 10 December 2022, Elena Kostioukovitch appeared (as representative of Memorial Italia) at “Festival Della Conoscenza – FestivaLieve” in Bosco Marengo (Alessandria). Click to watch some photos and videos from the festival! >>
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