19 April 2022 - "Putin, the obsessions of a dictator" on La Gazzetta di Parma

On 19 April 2022, Elena Kostioukovitch’s interview by Francesco Mannone came out on La Gazzetta di Parma. >>

17 April 2022 - "Dominating Eurasia, from Lisbon to Vladivostok... This is what the Tsar is thinking of." on Il Mattino

On 7 April 2022, Elena Kostioukovitch’s interview by Titti Marrone came out on Il Mattino. >>

17 April 2022 - "There's an obscure thought in the Tsar's mind" on La Repubblica

On 17 April 2022, an interview with Elena Kostioukovitch by Stefania Parmeggiani came out on La Repubblica. Elena talks about her new ebook “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin”, trying to explore the underlying reason of Putin’s war in Ukraine. >>

14 April 2022 - Editorial by Nico Perrone on Dire.it

On 12 April 2022, Elena Kostioukovitch’s new ebook “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin” was quoted in an editorial by the director of Dire, Nico Perrone. >>

14 April 2022 - "Elena Kostioukovitch, Russian translator: books, works, translations" on Truenews.it

On 12 April 2022, Elena Kostioukovitch was featured in an article on True News. >>

12 April 2022 - "Understanding Putin's war" on La Gazzetta del Sud

On 12 April 2022, Elena Kostioukovitch’s new ebook “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin” was featured in an article among other books on the current situation in Ukraine. >>

Linus. Aprile 2022 - L’assolutismo magico di Putin – Elena Kostioukovitch

In the April edition of #linus, Elena Kostioukovitch takes us into Putin’s “magic absolutism”, with an excerpt from her new e-book “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin” (La Nave di Teseo). >>

8 April 2022 - The doctrine of the "Russian Universe" and the poisonous ideology of Vladimir Putin - linkiesta.it

The whole world is wondering: what’s going on in Putin’s mind? What’s the true aim of his intimidating TV speeches, ridden with incohorences, aimed at justifying the Russian invasion of Ukraine? >>

07 April 2022 - Elena Kostioukovitch on COFFEE BREAK - LA7

Elena Kostioukovitch appeared on LA7, in the program COFFEE BREAK hosted by Andrea Pancani. >>

06 April 2022 - Elena Kostioukovitch on TIMELINE - SKYTG24

Elena Kostioukovitch appeared on TIMELINE – SKYTG24, presenting her new ebook “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin” >>

5 April 2022 - Guerra Ucraina, Kostioukovitch: "Perfino in Urss i dissidenti avevano voce" - adnkronos.com

Chi si oppone ora a Putin non ha voce. E in Occidente, chi ha deciso di lasciare la Russia non trova l’ascolto e l’accoglienza su cui potevano contare i dissidenti in epoca sovietica… >>

5 April 2022 - "Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin", the new ebook by Elena Kostioukovitch coming out on Thursday April 7 - ansa.it

Elena Kostioukovich’s new e-book provides an insightful analysis of the catastrophic situation Putin’s Russia has put itself into. >>

New ebook by Elena Kostioukovitch: INSIDE THE MIND OF VLADIMIR PUTIN

On 7 April 2022, a new ebook by Elena Kostioukovitch comes out, “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin”. >>

25 March 2022 - Interview with Elena Kostioukovitch - RaiNews24

On 25 March 2022, Elena Kostioukovitch made an interview with Carlotta Macerollo (RaiNews24) about censorship in the Soviet Union and the effects it had on her Russian translation of Eco’s “The Name of the Rose”. >>

19 March 2022 - Interview with Elena Kostioukovitch - radioradicale.it

On 19 March 2022, Elena Kostioukovitch made an interview with Matteo Angioli (Radio Radicale) about the Russia-Ukraine war. >>

15 March 2022 - Interview with Elena Kostioukovitch - RaiRadio1

On 15 March 2022, Elena Kostioukovitch made an interview with Sara Piselli (Rai Radio 1) about the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on Russian dissidents. >>

25 July 2022 - "Elena Kostioukovitch's journey into Putin's Mind" on Huffington Post Italy

On 25 July 2022, Elena Kostioukovitch’s book “Inside the Mind of Vladimir Putin” was featured in an article written by Elio Cappuccio for Huffington Post Italy. >>

17 January 2022 - Interview with Elena Kostioukovitch - TV Channel Culture

Umberto Eco. Lord of signs – interpreter of codes. Observer – TV Channel Culture. >>

12 January 2022 - Article about Elena Kostioukovitch's translations of the works of Umberto Eco (Literaturnaya Gazeta, Moscow, No. 1-2 (6816)

In this article celebrating 90 years’ anniversary since the birth of Umberto Eco, Anna Yamploskaya highlights Elena Kostioukovitch’s important contribution to Eco’s literary fortunes in Russia. What’s his legacy? >>

17 July 2021. Interview with Elena Kostioukovitch - echo.msk.ru

On 17 July 2021, Elena Kostioukovitch made an interview with Evgeny Buntman (Echo of Moscow) about the legacy of Umberto Eco. >>
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