16 July 2022 - "Zelensky - the marketing of words" on "La Stampa"

On 16 July 2022, an insightful article by Elena Kostioukovitch about Zelensky’s speeches was featured on “La Stampa”. Click to read! >>

Global Committee for the Rule of Law "Marco Pannella" - Honorary Members

Elena Kostioukovitch is now a Honorary Member of the Committee for the Rule Of Law “Marco Pannella”, along many important personalities like Ingrid Betancourt, Norman Baker and the Venezuelan lawyer Armando Armas… >>

5 July 2022 - "History turned on its head to justify the war" on "Il Segno"

Elena Kostioukovitch’s book “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin” was the focus of the June edition of the art magazine “Il Segno”. >>

German translation of "Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin" - Lettre International, 137

Elena Kostioukovitch’s ebook “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin” was translated into German in full and published in the German edition of “Lettre International”. Click to read! >>

22 JUNE 2022 h.12.00 - Church of S. Giuseppe, Milan (Largo Victor de Sabata) -Elena Kostioukovitch and Aleksandr Sokurov

On 22 June 2022 at 12:00, Elena Kostioukovitch will take part in a conference at the Church of S.Giuseppe (Largo Victor de Sabata, next to Teatro Alla Scala) in Milan with filmmaker Aleksandr Sokurov for La Milanesiana. >>

Meeting of the "Global Committee for the Rule of Law" in Rome, 6/6/2022

On 6/6/2022, Elena Kostioukovitch was invited to a meeting of the “Global Committee for the Rule of Law” in Rome. Here’s a transcript of her speech in full. Click to read! >>

21 May 2022 - "The evil advocates of Putin's thoughts" on "Il Secolo XIX"

On 21 May 2022, Elena Kostioukovitch’s ebook “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin” was mentioned in an article on Il Secolo XIX, as one of the most insightful texts regarding the current Russia-Ukraine crysis. >>

17 May 2022 - "Reading broadens your life" on RTL 102.5

Elena Kostioukovitch’s ebook “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin” was the focus of Davide Giacalone’s “Reading broadens your life” spot on the Italian radio RTL 102.5. Click to listen! >>

Zoom meeting on 19/5/2022 - Associazione Milano "Cultura e Natura"

On 19 May 2022 at 17:45, Elena Kostioukovitch will feature on a Zoom interview with the Milan association “Associazione Milano Cultura e Natura”. >>

7 May 2022 - "Ukraine: the danger of ideological drifts" on "Notizie geopolitiche"

Elena Kostioukovitch’s ebook “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin” was mentioned in an article by Maurizio Delli Santi on the indipendent online magazine “Notizie Geopolitiche”. >>

7 May 2022, Conference at Villa Almone (Rome, 29.04.2022) with the DDR dissident, singer Wolf Biermann

On 29.4.2022, Elena Kostioukovitch was invited to a conference at the residence of the German Ambassador in Rome (Villa Almone), featuring the DDR dissident and songwriter, Wolf Biermann. Click to view Elena’s prepared speech for the occasion and some pictures. >>

3 May 2022 - #Twitter mention on the interview with Radio Radicale

On 1 May 2022, Elena Kostioukovitch’s most recent interview with Radio Radicale’s Matteo Angioli was featured in his Twitter account. >>

1 May 2022 - "What's inside the mind of Putin?" on "Il Sole 24 ore.com"

In this article on the web edition of “Il Sole 24 Ore”, Elena Kostioukovitch’s new e-book “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin” is featured among other books related to Russia-Ukraine war. >>

30 April 2022 - "Elena Kostioukovitch delves into the mind of Putin..." on L'Unione Sarda

On 30 April 2022, Elena Kostioukovitch spoke to “L’Unione Sarda”, analyzing the current Russia-Ukraine conflict and the reasons behind it. >>

29 April 2022 - "Russkij Mir, at the heart of the big conspiracy" on Il Manifesto

On 29 April 2022, Elena Kostioukovitch spoke to “Il Manifesto” about the underlying reasons of the Russia-Ukraine war. >>

25 April 2022 - Elena Kostioukovitch on La7

Elena Kostioukovitch on La7: “Zelensky’s propaganda is inventive, Putin’s one is gloomy and dull.” >>

19 April 2022 - Elena Kostioukovitch's next TV and radio appearances

In the next few days, Elena Kostioukovitch will appear on many Italian TV and radio channels (including Rete 4, Rai 1 and La7), presenting her new ebook “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin” and speaking about the wider effects of the Russia-Ukraine war. >>

19 April 2022 - "Putin, the obsessions of a dictator" on La Gazzetta di Parma

On 19 April 2022, Elena Kostioukovitch’s interview by Francesco Mannone came out on La Gazzetta di Parma. >>

17 April 2022 - "Dominating Eurasia, from Lisbon to Vladivostok... This is what the Tsar is thinking of." on Il Mattino

On 7 April 2022, Elena Kostioukovitch’s interview by Titti Marrone came out on Il Mattino. >>

17 April 2022 - "There's an obscure thought in the Tsar's mind" on La Repubblica

On 17 April 2022, an interview with Elena Kostioukovitch by Stefania Parmeggiani came out on La Repubblica. Elena talks about her new ebook “Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin”, trying to explore the underlying reason of Putin’s war in Ukraine. >>
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